Time is Money

Time is money don't waste either of them.

Don't leave your investment and trading to chance, Use Allyson rule based trading. 100% free with your Ally.com brokerage account, no strings attached. Using a free Tiingo account you can back test your trading rules.


Allyson is an education program for automatic stock trading using your Ally.com brokerage account. The Allyson application can take the emotions out of trading by using your set rules to buy and sell. Allyson has a built-in list of over 7,000 stock symbols that Ally.com can use.

Version 1.04

This is a 64 bit Windows 10 desktop application.

If you run antivirus you may have to suspend it during the Allyson install.

Go to the Windows taskbar and search for the orange Avast icon. Then, right-click on it and find "Avast shields control." Choose one of the options, disable for 10 minutes OR 1 hour OR until computer restart OR permanently

Download the Latest Allyson Application

Download the Latest Allyson Application

Download the Latest Allyson Application

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